The Future
of Energy

Revolutionize your energy management with the power of artificial intelligence. Our cutting-edge cloud-based system maximizes efficiency using advanced instrucations and predictive models. With real-time data collection and AI-driven decision-making, stay ahead of the curve and achieve unparalleled energy optimization.


The system continuously learns from data and adapts to changing conditions, ensuring continuous optimization and efficiency gains.


Sophisticated algorithms analyze current data and predict future trends, ensuring optimal real-time energy flow.


Predicting future energy consumption and production enables proactive planning and optimization of energy flows.

Perfect Solution
to get your energy portfolios under control

The EnegoMachine system is provided to customers who manage a large number of energy portfolios or to large customers who have a complex management system with non-standard elements. EnergyMachine enables optimization based on weather forecasts and other automatic generation predictions (from alternative sources such as photovoltaic power plants, hydroelectric power plants, wind turbines and cogeneration units), battery storage utilization, spot market electricity prices and detailed consumption prediction for flexible portfolio elements.

Unlock Hidden Savings:
Solutions for Every Energy Use

Suppliers of Electric Energy

Customer and Portfolio Load Forecasting: Predict individual and aggregate customer consumption for better planning and resource allocation. Ballancing market Nomination Assistance: Assist with Optimal Transmission Exit (OTE) nomination to optimize grid usage and reduce costs. Energy Deviation Balancing: Balance energy deviations in real time to avoid penalties and ensure grid stability. Flexibility Aggregation: Aggregate flexible resources from various sources to provide balancing services to the grid.

Community Energy

Community Energy Management: Manage individual and aggregated energy consumption within a community. Fair Distribution: Ensure fair and equitable distribution of energy within a community. Battery Storage Integration: Integrate and manage battery storage systems to optimize energy use and reduce costs. Community Cost Sharing: Share energy costs and savings fairly among community members.

Large Energy Consumers

Portfolio Load and Generation Forecasting: Predict energy consumption and generation for a specific portfolio to optimize operations and costs. Flexible Load Management: Manage non-standard loads with flexible consumption to reduce costs and improve grid stability. Balancing Market Optimization: Optimize purchase and sale of energy on the balancing market to maximize profits and minimize costs. Alternative Energy Suppliers: Integrate and manage alternative energy sources such as solar and wind to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Alternative Energy Suppliers

Customer Monitoring and Control: Provide real-time monitoring and control of energy consumption for individual customers. Multi-Source Integration: Integrate multiple sources of energy data into a single system for comprehensive analysis and management. Competitive Advantage: Gain a competitive advantage through significantly higher savings for end customers.

Why choose

Data & Insights

Manage flexible consuption to adjust energy consuption with peak shaving metods and use data and analytics to forecast future prices, demand, and supply in energy markets. for prediction of energy market behaviour.

Solve upcomming

Apply suitable models for external and internal settlement of energy communities or connect tto technical and commercial dispatching for the use of data from available SCADA systems or regulators.

OEM System

Our app helps real customers manage energy, see consumption & future usage predictions. An admin interface allows portfolio setup and our AI uses various models to predict energy needs and automatically optimizes for maximum savings through different control modes.

Cloud Based OEM

Access and manage the application from anywhere, anytime, on any device, without the need of seeting up your own infrustructure. Taylormade the system to your specific requirements (branding, configuration, features)

Flexible Control

Integrate your existing control units or choose pre-configured ones from us. We work with industry leaders like Loxone and Resacs. This ensures seamless integration and reduced complexity, regardless of your preference.

Contact us

Drop us your e-mail to see how it works!

Lukáš Richter

Product Owner

EnergoMachine s.r.o.
Jundrovská 618/31, 624 00 Brno-Komín